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Survey: Majority of Coin-Op Owners Claim Customer Persuasion Success

CHICAGO – More than two-thirds of coin laundry owners (65.3%) say that they are generally “successful at getting customers to do what [they] want,” according to results from this month’s American Coin-Op Your Views survey.

While 21.3% of store owners admit that they are “not sure” about their influence in customer decisions, 13.3% say that they are not successful at all in getting customers to do what they want.

When asked if they could “get [their] customers to do one thing,” keeping the store clean (32.0%); visiting on slower days (29.3%); and other concerns (17.3%), such as having customers “use [the] proper amount of soap,” topped the wish list.

“Stop overloading [and] use less detergent,” says one owner.

“[Customers should] understand the high cost of utilities and equipment, and why vend prices continue to rise,” says another.

In addition to having customers “use certain washers or dryers” (5.3%), paying attention to signage (14.7%) and taking advantage of coupons and promotions (1.3%) were other actions store owners wanted to push on customers.

More than half of store owners surveyed (61.3%), however, say that their store’s signage is “effective.” While 24% admit that their signage has not been successful, roughly 15% are not sure (14.7%).

The majority of coin laundry owners surveyed also report that they are successful in getting customers to use certain washers or dryers (56.8%), as well as getting customers to take advantage of specials, promotions and coupons (47.3%).

Roughly one-third of store owners (32.4%) report no success in getting customers to use certain machines, while 10.8% are unsure if they are successful. Roughly one-third (33.8%) of respondents report not being able to get customers to utilize specials, promotions and coupons, while 18.9% are unsure if they have succeeded in the task.

Attempting to shift business to slower days is a common challenge. About half of respondents say that they have not been able to shift weekend business to slower days (53.3%), while one-third (33.3%) report having had success. The remaining 13.3% are unsure of their progress.

More than two-thirds of coin laundry owners polled say their customers respect their laundry (67.6%) by using equipment properly and keeping the premises clean, among other courtesies. The remaining 32.4% of respondents believe their customers do not respect their business.

While American Coin-Op’s Your Views survey presents a snapshot of the audience’s viewpoints at a particular moment, it should not be considered scientific. Subscribers to American Coin-Op e-mails are invited to participate anonymously in an industry survey each month.

The entire American Coin-Op audience is encouraged to participate, as a greater number of responses will help to better define owner/operator opinions and industry trends.


Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Bruce Beggs at [email protected].